Jojo’s Secret Pocket

Jojo’s Secret Pocket

by Dee Kramer Jojo, 14, earns money selling cooked corn in Mathare Valley, Kenya, where he and his family live. One-half million of the world’s poorest people live in Mathare Valley, but Jojo’s Secret Pocket is the story of a young man and his family who...
Living the Life of a Miracle

Living the Life of a Miracle

by James Mead In everyday conversation, we hear the word “miracle” used very loosely. It was a miracle when the New York Giants won the Super Bowl in 2008 and when the Texas Rangers beat the New York Yankees in the American League Championship of 2010. In...
Soaring Wings

Soaring Wings

by Beverly J. Mick From the suburbs of Chicago to the heart of St. Louis, from south of Madison to west of Des Moines—the Mississippi Valley once belonged to the Sac and Fox. When the U.S. government came to purchase their land in the 1800s, the tribes were naturally...
Three Plates at the Table

Three Plates at the Table

by Sheryl Ellinwood and Jamilee McQuivey Three Plates at the Table is a landmark first: It provides three options for each recipe! It offers a wealth of nutritional information that shows why certain foods provide more energy, promote weight loss naturally, and...