Boost your e-blast engagement with audience segmentation

Jun 17, 2024

by Moriah Morter, WP writing intern, and Sarah Purdy, WP editor and online content specialist

Have you ever deleted an email you didn’t bother reading because it didn’t seem relevant to you? One way to make sure your customers don’t do the same with your emails is by segmenting your mailing list and sending out content tailored to each group. If the content resonates with the reader, they’re more likely to engage.

Here are five examples of how you could segment your email audience:

  1. Demographics: Segment by age, gender, budget, and/or family status. 
    A business selling farm equipment could segment content by how much customers typically spend. Emails promoting upgraded equipment would go to a higher-spending audience, whereas entry-level products would be targeted at smaller farms.
  2. Geographic: Segment by city, country, state, or native language. 
    A business selling Midwest-themed t-shirts could segment their audience by state. For example, they might want to target Iowa customers with more corn-themed shirts!
  3. Customer persona: Tailor content to the customer you imagine reading your email. 
    A beauty company might target their younger audience members with content about controlling acne while sending their mature audience updates on antiaging remedies.
  4. Loyalty levels: Differentiate your audience based on the length of their loyalty. 
    A jewelry store could send long-term customers exclusive deals, while new customers might receive care tips for their newly purchased jewelry.
  5. Purchase history: Send emails based on what your audience has bought before. 
    An artist could send customers updates on available prints that are similar to their past purchases.

Questions about email segmenting or e-blast best practices? Call us at 641-628-8398 or email!


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