Need a refresh? Knowing when (and why) to rebrand

Aug 7, 2024

by Moriah Morter, WP writing intern, and Lexie Thomas, president

Your brand communicates your business’s character. It’s more than just your logo—your brand is established through identity statements like your mission, vision, and values, as well as your website and other marketing materials.

But what do you do when you sense your brand no longer captures the essence of your organization? It might be time for a refresh. In this article, we’re going to dig into how to tell if you need a rebrand. Let’s get started!


You do NOT need to rebrand if…

 1. Your competitor rebranded. Changing your identity at the same time as a competitor could create confusion among buyers and result in the loss of loyal customers.

Instead, treat a competitor’s decision to rebrand as the perfect opportunity to connect with any baffled consumers who might not be so open to your competitor’s change. Promote and emphasize your organization’s consistent branding.

 2. Your new CEO wants to make their mark. Branding should represent your organization, not just one person. If your branding is dependent on the identity or interests of one person (or a few specific individuals), it will fail to accurately depict the entirety of your business. If your current brand fits perfectly, it does not need to be altered even if there’s been a leadership change.

 3. You feel like it’s “about time.” Rebranding is not a decision to be taken lightly. While you should avoid clinging to an identity you’ve outgrown or don’t embody anymore, it’s important to avoid changing your branding just for the sake of change.


You SHOULD rebrand if…

1.  Your organization has grown or changed. Just like a child outgrows clothes, a company can outgrow its brand.

Perhaps your business has merged with another group and your branding needs to convey a new partnership. Or maybe your organization has expanded to provide new services or products that aren’t reflected in your current brand. Whatever the reason, if your company has changed significantly, it’s probably time for a rebrand.

 2. Your brand is outdated, confusing, or boring. It’s important to keep your identity relevant, especially if you’re looking to appeal to the next generation of customers. While brands can be nostalgic, they should never appear outdated.

It’s also important to make sure that people understand your brand. A brand should never contradict itself. If your brand is difficult to decipher or lacks character, your business will not be able to make the impact and impression it should.

3. Your brand no longer depicts your niche or position in the marketplace. If you’re struggling to draw attention to your company, you might be marketing to the right crowd with the wrong content. Explore a logo and branding style that’s better suited to your ideal audience.

On the other hand, you could have the right content but be targeting the wrong people. If that’s the case, you might need to step back and assess what alternative channels you should be using to capture your desired audience’s attention. 

 4. Your brand is no longer “healthy.” One of the easiest tricks for determining if it’s time to rebrand is to consider your brand’s health. Your brand is healthy if it can successfully perform these three roles: brand do, brand see, brand speak.

What does that mean? Basically, your brand is healthy if it is:

  • Doing the work for your organization. Your brand should appeal to your ideal customer. It should work for you by drawing people to your organization, storefront, or product.
  • Allowing others to see the benefits your business offers. Your brand needs to help outsiders visualize what is on the other side of the door your business opens.
  • Speaking accurately by describing your company clearly and communicating who you are and what you stand for. Your brand is the visual voice of your company.

If your brand isn’t fulfilling one of those roles, it’s time to consider some changes.


What’s next?

Have you finished this evaluation and learned you should consider a rebrand? Keep an eye on our blog for part 2 of this story, where we’ll take a look at how to carry out that work!

And of course, the Write Place also has a team of experts who specialize in brand identity—if you have questions or would like to talk more specifically about what a rebrand would look like for your business, call us at 641-628-8398 or email



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