Longtime Write Place client Pella Engraving & Sign Company has an enduring presence in the awards and engraving industry. While their craft is timeless, the technology and machining in their shop is cutting-edge. PEC also recently launched a new signage division, so all things considered, it was time for their website to be updated to reflect who PEC is today.
“This is our second time redesigning the website for PEC—our first revamp happened about six years ago. That’s about the timeframe we are seeing on websites recently,” said Write Place Owner Lexie Thomas, who led the project. “Like fashion, website design styles change, and we encourage our clients to update their sites if the look feels out of step with current trends, or certainly if their business model has evolved.”

Beyond the great photography, the PEC website is a custom design by the Write Place, fully responsive to cell phone and tablet screens! Check it out today.
When the Write Place launched the redesign project with PEC Owner Cory Vande Kieft, the first step was looking at websites the leadership team was drawn to. “It became clear that some new photography was really going to be the foundation of our new site,” said Lexie. So in stepped Michelle Stam, Write Place graphic designer and staff photographer.
It takes preparation to have a successful photoshoot, especially when needs are specific for a project like a website. Before the photoshoot, a new site map was finalized and the likely placements and sizes for photos on the site were determined. This way, Michelle stepped into the PEC facility with a clear vision for her photography.
“Cory, Lexie, and I worked together to inventory our existing PEC photos and developed a list of product photos we wanted on the new site,” said Michelle. “But we also expanded our horizons. We had the goal of getting photos of employees doing their jobs as well as still-life type scenes that showcased the details in PEC’s work and materials for placement in the headers of each web page.”
Many of the photos in the new site were taken at the initial shoot, but Michelle visited PEC a few more times as projects were being completed that Cory knew would be useful for the website. Michelle also visited local businesses whose signs were done by PEC.
When the new website launched earlier this month, the impact was exactly as hoped.
“I have heard nothing but good things from the rest of our team about the new website,” said Cory.” I am always impressed by the organization and attention to detail on every project we send to the Write Place.”
Check out more of Michelle’s photography for PEC!