News + Tips
A new look for the new year
By now, we hope most of our clients are familiar with branding and identity building. We are fairly certain most of you have heard one of us use the word consistency a time or two when talk of maintaining brand integrity was on the table. But is there ever a time to...
Write Place announces winner of book contest
The Write Place, located in Pella, Iowa, has named Michael Van Natta of Knoxville as the winner of its 2012 Book Contest. "We had so many great entries that it was difficult to make a decision," said Hannah Crawford, book division coordinator. "But Mike's novel stood...
Local author invites readers to venture into a larger world
In search of a bigger world, Pella resident Carol Van Klompenburg headed to Nicaragua in 2008 for a ten-day service trip. She found that bigger world. And, as she explored it, she discovered a people and a country that beckoned her to return again and again as she...
The Write Place celebrates 15 years
The Write Place has a history of expanding its services to meet the needs of its clients. In its 15 years—the last four with an office in Macomb, Illinois—Write Place owner Carol Van Klompenburg has helped her business evolve from a one-person writing shop to a...
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