News + Tips
The three F’s of Facebook marketing
Does the thought of Facebook marketing for your business make you want to forsake civilization and live in a cave where technology can never find you? While Facebook isn’t always easy, rest assured that it doesn’t have to be scary, or baffling. In engaging with your...
Life-long antiquer turns her talents to writing
In her new book, The Savvy Sojourner, Oskaloosa, Iowa, resident Jean Saxton shares expertise gained from 13 years as a shop owner, 33 years as an antiques dealer and many more as an avid antiquing enthusiast. The book is available at area shops, Painted Daisies in...
Breaking down content marketing for your business
Most businesses are starting to realize that in today’s world, it’s easy—and often inexpensive—to get content “out there.” So, full speed ahead with marketing! Wait. Do you really want to plunge into blogs, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, brochures, radio spots, and...
Novel explores the story of Dutch settlers on the Iowa plains
When author Renae B. Vander Schaaf learned about the unique history behind the founding of Orange City by settlers from Pella, she knew she had to share it with young people. Her book, A Place of Refuge, is a historical novel for young adults that follows...
The Write Place welcomes new team members
In recent months, the Write Place has welcomed two new people to our team. In March, Krista Van Gelder began training with our former bookkeeper Gail Van Beek, who is now working fulltime for Pella Christian High School. Krista assumed all bookkeeping responsibilities...
How to write a news release
Nearly all businesses and organizations have occasions to write a news release, yet too frequently these opportunities are passed by. A good release doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Yes, it should be written in a professional way and, yes, spelling...
A quick guide to content marketing
It's human nature. When you get something good, you come back for more. And it works with more than dessert. Providing your loyal and prospective customers with something of value is a great way to keep them looking for more. Provide it for free, and you'll build...
Tips for creating a business e-newsletter worth reading
An e-newsletter is a great way to keep your customers up-to-date on what's going on at your business. They can also be an effective vehicle to offer additional value—specials, discounts, how-to's, industry news, tips, and more. If you offer great content and let your...
E-books for business marketing
Writing a book can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In today's digital world, many business owners are using e-books as a marketing tool to establish their expertise and help build their business's reputations. You don't have to be a brilliant...
Less is more—even on websites
If you want to get your message across, it's best to take away as many distractions as you can. You want the message to catch and hold the eye of the reader. This maxim is an important concept in the development of branding, advertising, and websites. Take a good look...
It’s time to bite the bullets
What piques your interest? Bullet points listing product features or an idea that solves a problem that matters to you? A list of mundane, bulleted features doesn't have a lot of emotional appeal to which consumers or clients can connect. Bullet points: Are dry facts....
Do you want your words to inform or persuade?
Journalists pack information into headlines and the first few sentences of an article. Fireman injured in fall from tree during rescue attempt. Kitten unharmed. This informative writing uses a method called the inverted triangle. The important news comes first, and...
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