E-books for business marketing

E-books for business marketing

Writing a book can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In today's digital world, many business owners are using e-books as a marketing tool to establish their expertise and help build their business's reputations. You don't have to be a brilliant...

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Less is more—even on websites

Less is more—even on websites

If you want to get your message across, it's best to take away as many distractions as you can. You want the message to catch and hold the eye of the reader. This maxim is an important concept in the development of branding, advertising, and websites. Take a good look...

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It’s time to bite the bullets

It’s time to bite the bullets

What piques your interest? Bullet points listing product features or an idea that solves a problem that matters to you? A list of mundane, bulleted features doesn't have a lot of emotional appeal to which consumers or clients can connect. Bullet points: Are dry facts....

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Do you want your words to inform or persuade?

Do you want your words to inform or persuade?

Journalists pack information into headlines and the first few sentences of an article. Fireman injured in fall from tree during rescue attempt. Kitten unharmed. This informative writing uses a method called the inverted triangle. The important news comes first, and...

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A new look for the new year

A new look for the new year

By now, we hope most of our clients are familiar with branding and identity building. We are fairly certain most of you have heard one of us use the word consistency a time or two when talk of maintaining brand integrity was on the table. But is there ever a time to...

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