One of the first questions we ask clients embarking on a website redesign is whether their goal is a site that looks good on mobile devices. I doubt I will be asking much longer. Two things are converging to make this question almost obsolete: the fact that according...
Identity crisis: Writing and living out your company’s identity statements
Most businesses, small and large, are aware that the business powers-that-be require you to have identity statements in order to truly be recognized as a functional company. Well, OK—that's a significant exaggeration. But mission and vision are something you probably...
Does your copywriting prompt action by your target audience?
Is your marketing having the results you are looking for? If not, take a hard look at the copywriting. What does it say about your company? Copywriting is the use of words to promote a person, business, opinion or idea—to persuade the reader, listener or viewer to...
Looking beyond social media in today’s digital marketing world
E-books offer a unique option for businesses In today’s world, your customers see more marketing than ever before. Social media has caused customers’ expectations to evolve―rather than passively receiving marketing messages, consumers value interaction and information...
Effective advertisers do their homework
Do your potential customers know what you are trying to say in your advertising? Simply put, you want consumers to pick you over your competitor. Your advertising should be very clear about why you are the business of choice. You want to inspire potential customers to...
Keep your website healthy with organic web content
You need to keep your content organic—and we don’t mean the food in your fridge. Organic content is preferred by search engines using organic search rankings. Decoded, an “organic search” is simply a search that ranks results based on content and keyword relevancy,...
Metadata: A golden opportunity
There’s nothing more useless than a beautifully designed website that nobody ever sees. Optimizing your website’s content for search engines can not only ensure that people find it, but that the right people find it—the ones who are actually interested in your...
The three F’s of Facebook marketing
Does the thought of Facebook marketing for your business make you want to forsake civilization and live in a cave where technology can never find you? While Facebook isn’t always easy, rest assured that it doesn’t have to be scary, or baffling. In engaging with your...
Breaking down content marketing for your business
Most businesses are starting to realize that in today’s world, it’s easy—and often inexpensive—to get content “out there.” So, full speed ahead with marketing! Wait. Do you really want to plunge into blogs, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, brochures, radio spots, and...
How to write a news release
Nearly all businesses and organizations have occasions to write a news release, yet too frequently these opportunities are passed by. A good release doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Yes, it should be written in a professional way and, yes, spelling...
A quick guide to content marketing
It's human nature. When you get something good, you come back for more. And it works with more than dessert. Providing your loyal and prospective customers with something of value is a great way to keep them looking for more. Provide it for free, and you'll build...
Tips for creating a business e-newsletter worth reading
An e-newsletter is a great way to keep your customers up-to-date on what's going on at your business. They can also be an effective vehicle to offer additional value—specials, discounts, how-to's, industry news, tips, and more. If you offer great content and let your...
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